Sunday, 11 March 2012

Relay Rap

Trader1 Whiplash of T1Radio announced yesterday of a new program called Relay Rap and I had to find out more.

Trader1 will be featuring a half hour talk show about Relay, for Relay, for Relay'ers and the greater Relay World that is Relay For Life of Second Life.

Relay Rap will debut on Wednesday March 14th at 7pm with a 30 minute talk show, featuring three regular segments: Relay Forum, Mission Minutes and Team Time.

Relay Forum featuring general news and updates, fund raising tips and other information from your committee

Mission Minutes will focus on how the American Cancer Society uses the funds raised by Relay For Life to support programs for Survivors and Caregivers, to help all of Fight Back with health care initiatives and advocacy and of course to find better treatments, underwrite research and lead us closer to a cure.

Team Time will be all about YOU and our Relay World. Team Time will focus on teams and relay'ers, how and why they relay, their events and fundraising activities. Team Time will feature live interviews and reports from Relay World.

If anyone wishes to become a Relay Rap Reporter, or to have their team or team members featured on Relay Rap please contact Trader1 Whiplash by email:

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